Effective Speaking (Online)
Instructor: Stephanie Longo
Text: Speaker's Compact Handbook Edition by Jo Sprague, Douglas Stuart, and David Bodary, Cengage Learning, ISBN: 9780840028150.
Course Description: This course will provide students with the basic concepts to effectively deliver speeches in the public arena. We will address key issues in public speaking such as: audience awareness, effective use of language, body language, listening skills, fear of public speaking, and various presentation methods.
Objectives: As a result of completing this course, the student should be able to deliver five oral presentations and complete the following:
Formal speaking assignments
There will be five formal speaking exercise, and one informal “Ice Breaker Speech.” Typically, no make-ups will be allowed. Your formal speeches will demonstrate your ability to incorporate the things you have learned into your own presentation style.
#1: Ice Breaker Speech
This very short speech allows you to introduce yourself.
#2: Speech of Celebration
This 2-3 minute speech requires you to use your words to join with a randomly selected partner in a speech of celebration.
#3: Demonstrative Speech
This 4-7 minute speech requires you to show us how to do something. It helps you organize your speech into steps, and teaches you how to talk while working with your hands at the same time.
# 4: Dramatic Presentation
This 2-5 minute presentation is designed to show you the value of body language and the process of evoking emotion in your audience through dramatics.
#5: Informative Speech
This 5-7 minute speech requires you to select a topic of interest to you and your audience, and conduct research of the topic, and present the information you gather to an audience. The goal of this assignment is to learn to use research skills in selecting relevant and reliable information, organize your research into a coherent outline and to present it using the skills we are working on.
#6: Speech of Persuasion
This 5-10 minute speech will allow you to present your position on a controversial subject in a persuasive manner. It will also teach you how to craft an effective argument (Think “playing both sides” but getting the last word). This speech also requires research.
Exams: There will be a quiz at the end of each week and a comprehensive final examination that will cover readings and topics of the entire semester. The format is multiple choice, true-false, fill in the blank, and short essay.
Course Schedule:
Week 1: Approaching Public Speaking
DQ 1: Components of Ethos
DQ 2: Listening Barriers
Ice Breaker Speech
Week 2: Audience Analysis and Addressing Fear of Public Speaking
DQ 1: Call a Radio Station
DQ 2: Audience Analysis
Speech of Celebration
Week 3: Preparation, Topic, and Organizing Your Speech
DQ 1: Topic Selection
DQ 2: Motivational Appeals
Demonstrative Speech
Week 4: Modes of Presentation, Language, and Non-Verbal Communication
DQ 1: Body Language
DQ 2: Movies
Dramatic Presentation
Week 5: Researching and Polishing Your Speech
DQ 1: Research Strategy
DQ 2: Synthesis of Research
Self Critique Paper
Week 6: Informative Strategies, Presentation Aids, and Credibility
DQ 1: Informative Strategies
DQ 2: Credibility and Ethos
Informative Speech
Week 7: Building Sound Arguments, Persuasive Strategies, and Reasoned Persuasion
DQ 1: Types of Reasoning
DQ 2: Monroe's Motivated Sequence
Persuasive Speech
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